The shoot that I had setup was with three boys that were all a little different from each other. Gavin is 20, bi, and I have had him in the studio in two shakes of a lamb's tail b together before, so the congregation reaction is kind of new to him. Trevor is 19, from Australia, and never had his dick sucked before. Scott happens to be straight, and has done a couple of shoots with us before. I explained to all of them that what we were going to be after was an articulated shoot, than in joking on all sides of I said that other two guys were accepted to fuck Scott. At first he wasn't paying attention and he then he flipped me situated. I had Gavin and Scott give Trevor some pointers on oral sex with guys. Then, I had them all possession off their shirts for the camera.
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All models are at least 18 years old. 18 U.S.C. 2257 Statement
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