Dustin stroked his cock using the spit from Nu as lube, and they were sitting next to each other on the couch. I knew that Dustin wasnt going to started sucking dick on his own, so I asked him to begin. He told me that he had changed his mind against not doing oral in the shoot. I told him that was fine and we would talk about it off camera, but for the next propel he would have to do it. He did however about that he would give Nu a help job. Moving down to the floor in front of him, Dustin started to iota Nus dick just like he would his own. Grabbing some lube Dustin was doing a great job at giving a hand job. Nu couldnt at most participate in there either, he jerked Dustin off to keep both of them turned on.
Images provided by & copyright BrokeStraightBoys.com
All models are at least 18 years old. 18 U.S.C. 2257 Statement
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